“My 60 min Swedish Massage was the self-care my body needed to reset. Crystal is very knowledgeable and talented in the ability to pinpoint stress and tension in muscles. My body felt very safe while she was massaging me. Will definitely be back!”

— K.B.

Our Specialty.

Trauma isn’t what’s wrong with you, but what’s happened to you. Here at Reset & Restore Massage Studio, we believe in restorative healing. Our signature PTSD Relief Massage will quiet the mind by relaxing the body. We help heal what can’t be seen.

Massage Makes



Stress, anxiety and trauma are more than just buzz words. For many of us navigating the world, they are conditions we’ve found ourselves living in for most of our lives and definitely within the past two years.

Couple that with a sedentary lifestyle, hunched over a keyboard, gaming device or phone, and now you’re experiencing tension in the body and poor circulation.

Massage therapy is an alternative healing remedy to help the body rid itself of stress, anxiety and unresolved trauma by reducing tension and improving circulation. It’s not a luxury, it’s essential healthcare.

Healing our Children.

Did you know that youth benefit from Massage Therapy? Physical growing pains, participation in sports, stress related to academics, social interactions, and simply navigating the climate of the world, some of our children are under extreme physical and emotional pressure. Research shows that youth who receive massages regularly, have increased focus, better inter-personal relationships and a positive sense of well-being. At Reset & Restore Massage Studio, we are committed to healing our children (10-17) through any adverse childhood experience. We firmly believe, a healthy child is a healthy community.

*A parent/guardian is required to attend the massage session.

Corporate Chair Massage.

Work is rewarding, yet challenging if you sit, use a computer or phone for long periods of time. Stress related to work can also lend itself to poor work performance and low morale. The benefits of a corporate chair massage are: lower stress, improved circulation, relieve muscle tension and pain, lowers blood pressure and so much more. Healthy employees lead to a healthy work environment.

Contact us today to learn about our employee wellness packages.

In their Words.


“Surrounded by peace and tranquility. Touched by healing hands! I am already anticipating my next appointment!”

— M.H.


“Crystal gave me the most relaxing massage I have ever had. It was the first time I actually fell asleep on the table. Its just such a safe space. I left feeling like I just got my life back.”

— N.M.

“...thank you for the lovely massage. You welcomed me into tranquility and I felt comfort as soon as I stepped into your place. Your peaceful energy matched the soothing vibe and instantly I was relaxed. The scalp massage released the tension immediately. Your pressure was on point, it was exact! You have a natural gift and now a new permanent client in the books. Feeling like a brand new penny! Thank you!

— M.J.B